My Amazon Store

How I Rate

On this blog I review 3 things. Movie, Books and Music. Mostly movies, but I'll sprinkle in reviews of the others now and then. This page is to explain how I rate things in case all my numbers confuse you. 

The story/plot, how well the movie is made (effects and the like), and my overall rating is done on a 1 to 5 scale.
There are 3 categories in content. Language, Violence and Sexual content. Each category will be rated on a 1-5 scale, with the numbers meaning: 
5 - Clean 
4 - Little 
3 - Moderate (not for children) 
2 - Inappropriate
1 - Not worth anyone's time

The story/plot and my overall rating for the book is done on a 1 to 5 scale. 
There are 3 categories in content. Language, Violence and Sexual content. Each category will be rated on a 1-5 scale, with the numbers meaning:  
5 - Clean 
4 - Little 
3 - Moderate (not for children) 
2 - Inappropriate
1 - Not worth anyone's time

Sound quality, lyrics, and the music itself will be rated on a 1 to 5 scale.
There are 3 categories in content. Language, Violence and Sexual content. Each category will be rated on a 1-5 scale, with the numbers meaning: 
5 - Clean 
4 - Little 
3 - Moderate (not for children) 
2 - Inappropriate
1 - Not worth anyone's time